Monday, October 24, 2011

Lil sketch

Meet Julie.
She's about 3 years old.
And adorable.

Monday, October 17, 2011

New artist!

I recently found this guy in a book about graffiti artists.  I immediately admired his work.  The combination of soft portraiture and aggressive marks "had me at hello."  I seem to be seeing him more and more every day (even in Korea!).

Name: Conor Harrington
From: Cork, Ireland
Lives in: London, England

Visit his website here
and be sure to also check out his girlfriend's work (its equally breathtaking)

Monday, October 10, 2011


Yet another finished book!  I've never made a book where the stitches of the spine we so close together.  It was a bit of a challenge, but it worked out.  The outside paper is similar to the skin of a reptile, and the inside paper feels a bit like Africa.  Not that I have been there, but it's just a guess.  Enjoy!

The book is about 8 in by 5 in or so.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Gold serpent

I've had some time to work on a number of books.  I've also found a wonderful selection of paper here in Korea for rather cheap too.  However, things usually border on the side of tacky.  Which could work in my favor or well, not.  I'd say this one is debatable.  However!  It has a pocket on the inside covers.  I will have to master my pocket making skill, but this one was fun to start with.  

Its about 20 cm by 16 cm. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Natural Beauty

A while ago i had the idea and feeling that i should to make some art for a band.  A dear friend plays the violin  and sings in this band, they are called The Sassafras Union.  I felt a compulsion to just  create some art for them, not that they have to use it, but its there if they desire to.  So my thought was these could be used for their first album.  The sketches act as frames for portraits of each band member to be in or song lyrics.  They are still very rough and probably in need of many changes, but they are are supposed to be things you can find as you walk through the hills of the valley... and maybe a couple of extra things.   Such as succulents, feathers, horns, skeletons of animals and things you would see wandering the hills of Santa Barbara County, or at least the US.  

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sunset at the pond

Sketch book complete!  
Newsprint style paper inside.
Lilly pads and gold scales paper outside.
Blue binding thread and blue paper on the inside cover
19 cm L by 16 cm w

Golden pomegrantes

Here is a finished book!  Finally!  This is the same size as the books in the previous post.  This was the mock book for this style.  Its cute and small and fits in your purse so you can carry it with you as a sketch book, diary, or notepad.  

Production in motion

Well, I've been busy creating books!  Hooray for being productive!  They are just simple and fun.  Im working on mixing patterns and colors.  Its a nice way to jump back into art.  These are just the covers of new books, most of which are only halfway done.  Many of them need more paper, more collage.  They are a little boring still, so heres the teaser:

They are all the same size: 20 cm by 16 cm.  They are all open, so the spine of the book runs down the center.  

Monday, September 19, 2011


I made a website!  If i buy the domain name it wouldnt have to say "weebly."  Check it out.  It needs a bit of a clean up and new art work.  Someday I'll get my life together.  Hopefully sooner than later.


click me!

ps: i appreciate any and all feedback :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Studio is up and running!

Well, its been awhile since i have made anything.  Moving to another country can put a damper on art making.  However, i am moving forward again.  I am happy to have found a wonderful art store near my apartment.  They have great supplies for book making, except for waxed thread.  They have colored hemp string which works but is a bit think so it can making the binding process a little problematic.

So far i have numerous colored papers, thread and different sizes of cardboard for the covers, and paper to cut for the inside of the book.  I have made two full books so far and have started many others.  I don't have pictures of the one, i am giving it to our pastor who is leaving Ulsan and moving back to the states.  So i am having people write in it as a fair well gift to remember us.

The first book is an accordion book.  I thought i would really like accordion books, because they are so easy to make.  But i don't, probably because there's not much of a challenge with them.  But here it is:

The book is about 16 cm by 12 cm.  Im sorry for the poor quality images.  Please excuse them.  More quality photos to come later.
The book has three envelopes to put extra findings and clippings.  I tried to make it a little more exciting with the envelops and then the cut out tree to go with the tree on the thread.  It worked out, but it still feels more like a prototype than a final piece.  

Here are other projects that have been started which are mostly book covers:

The book with the writing is quite funny.  It looks like a news paper, but its really a news paper about cats.  Its quite funny.  The other book cover is raised and has a really nice texture to it.  

This photo does not replicate the beauty of this awesome paper.  It totally looks and feels like snake skin, but its just paper.  It looked much better than I was expecting.  Then i put an envelope as the inside cover.  I like the idea of a book having pockets.  I don't know if its practical yet.  I haven't really gotten that far.  

This will be a better accordion book, i think.  I am planning to create it as if the entire book closes into an envelope.  Like below.

I plan to have some sort of clasp or string to shut it tight.  I am excited to see where this piece turns out.

and finally some sketches.  I went to the "Busan Museum of Art" here in Korea and bought a book of Van Gogh's drawings.  I bought it in hopes that it would ignite a desire to begin sketching.  Its started, i now just need to keep it going.  

I do miss working with wax and hot tools.  I will have to wait for a bit longer for that to happen again.  But for now i can make books and draw.  I plan to do some drawings of the children i teach.  I haven't spent much time drawing children so this could be interesting.  I also have found a new artist who has really opened my eyes to the importance of being and artist and creating.  His name is Makoto Fujimura.  You can see his blog here and make sure to watch this video.

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Blog!!!!!!!

For those of you who want to know more about my adventures in Korea please bookmark this site:
This blog will be all about Korea and what i am doing there.

I would like this one to remain only about art.  I prefer to keep them separate.  Thanks!  enjoy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Location: Korea!!

I should have updated this long long ago.  Im sorry.  To those who are wondering.... life is great!

Well, its good.  All i am missing are friends by my side.  I shall find more in time.  However, my flight was wonderful, my boss picked me up from the airport, i stayed at her place the first night because my apt wasn't ready and then I was at the school the next day.  I met a foreigner (someone who speaks english) named Bethany who teaches at my school.  She has been oh so helpful with introducing me to new people and new places.

I've done quite a bit since I have been here.  Shopped at the grocery store (which isn"t too bad) and went on a hike.  There was a great view of Ulsan from the top.  We were able to see the entire city!

As for my apt, well here are some pics:

And heres the kitchen:

Its quite small by American standards, but it does the job and I am starting to slowly feel at home.  I need a desk because i am hunched over on the floor typing on my comp.  Its not the most pleasant feeling.

Oh and this is how i control my heat:

Here, the floors are heated.  Which feels very nice during this cold period.  Then, I press a button for my hot water.  I have no idea what the monitor really says.  I tried to practice my Korean with it, but its pretty difficult.

Hmmmm... what else.  Oh ya!  I work with children.  Its like working in a foreign land with a foreign object that doesn't have an off button.  Double awkward.  Sometimes the classes go well and sometimes they don't.  And occasionally there is that one sweet student who is kind to you or helps me with the class and will translate for other students.  I cherish those students.  And then there are the kids I accidentally make cry.  Its quite unintentional, they must not be used to white people.  They will shape up, and when I am in doubt I usually start coloring with the students.  Most of the time it helps.

I shall post most pictures soon.  I have some from our hike, a field trip to Ulsan Great Park, and of Busan Beach.    

Friday, February 18, 2011

Reminiscing days of gold

So, I received an email from my old church today (The Light, in Baltimore, MD). 
Whenever I receive these emails I long for those silly moments we had and the inspiring conversations we shared together.  Then I am reminded by how long it has been since I have been in those old stomping grounds.  I never thought I would come to miss the city of Baltimore.  There are so many beatiful faces and whimsical personalties I miss.  Anyways, that is not why I am sharing them with you...I am sharing them with you because they are in the middle of a really fun show called Synthspiration.  You can learn more about the show (and the church) from their blog by clicking me.  You can also learn more about the idea of the show by gleaming here.

Another show they had recently was "Up from here" by Emily Himes.  She is so sweet and darling and I was recently reminded of how much I love her work.  It is subtle and beautiful.  She draws in a way I wish I could.  You can find her gorgeous work here:

Here is a small taste

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Studio no longer

So i moved out of the studio about a month ago.  My little homey mess is now packed in boxes and on walls of my house.  Now it's just a memory.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ideas are brewing.

So i spontaneously decided to help some friends with their album cover.  They are a pretty cool band and i just wanted to bless them.  They have an ep coming out and these mock covers are for those tracks.  Some day more images will appear for their real album.

you can find more on The Sassafrass Union here and  here